Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April Update

This isn't the best pick, but I couldn't get those chicks to be still.
I haven't posted in a while and I have lots of things to catch up on. So I will tell about some of the main things that have been going on.
  • Iggy, our cat, is going to have babies around June 18. Comment if you want one! There will probably be about three kittens.
  • On the 14th of this month we competed in the district poultry judging competition. The junior team got 2nd place and the senior team got 3rd place. Ben was the high individual for the senior team, Ericka was second out of 70 kids in the junior team, and I got 10th place out of 70 kids.
  • One of our hens had two chicks! They are so cute!
  • This month for my birthday I am planning on having some girl cousins over for a sleep over.
  • With 4-H I volunteered at our local AG Day. I helped Mrs. Jeri teach several (12) classes to 5th grade kids. It was very necessary for these kids, because they had no clue about where their food comes from. One kid thought that chocolate milk came from brown cows..... come on.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Painting My Room

I’ve always wanted to have a bright blue room, and on Sunday after church, I finally got it painted…. I say that I got it painted, but mom did most of it. I did help out by watching my two year old sister, Sadie. My room is shared with my sister, Ericka, and soon Sadie will share it with me! We also got a white bunk bed with stairs! I will show you the painting pictures and when the room is completely finished I will show it to you.